Thursday, April 9, 2009

Westward, Ho!

Paul and I are getting excited about our trip west coming up in June. This is a trip we have wanted to take for a long time. Little did we realize when we first started planning this trip that we would have children living there that we could visit! We've made one trip to Arizona to help them move and get settled. It was a bittersweet trip. We enjoyed being with our son, his wife, 4 year old son, and twin baby girls. They are such a sweet family. It was very difficult to leave them there and fly back to North Carolina without them. I know they are happy, and that makes all the difference. I am very thankful for Skype so that we can share in their birthday parties, Christmas, etc. But come June,we won't need Skype for a little while! We'll be there in person!

Right now, however, we are concentrating on getting the last of our hard wood floors down. It's a very hard job, but hey, somebody's gotta do it!

The new floor will make our kitchen look so much better. Fortunately, we have the whole of Spring break to get it done because one thing usually leads to another. The dust bunnies must have had babies while I wasn't looking! And who accumulated so much junk? I'm glad there's the Salvation Army that's always looking for more junk because they are certainly going to get some!

For several months I've been concentrating on purging unnecessary things and cleaning and organizing. I love my home and I want to go away on this trip knowing I'm coming home to a clean house. As much as I love to travel, I enjoy my home the most. I'm so thankful for my husband who helped build it and takes care of it for me. This is the most beautiful place of all to me!