Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lees' Summer Reunion--2009

On August 27, 1911, our mother, Lillie Mae Briley Lee
was born. She died December 3o, 1987. Since that time her children have tried to get together every year on or around her birthday to honor her, remember her, and to fellowship with one another. Today, August 22, 2009, was the date to do just that. We met at Deadwood in Bear Grass for a meal together and to catch up on what has been going on in our lives. Seven out of eight siblings and members of their families gathered to celebrate the lives mama and daddy shared with us. Our eighth sibling was not well enough to attend. We were all sad to not have her there. We missed her greatly and prayed for her health and healing. The oldest member of the clan had the honor of saying the blessing over our food and each other. We had a wonderful time hugging each other and getting reacquainted with younger members of the family that have grown, married, and have little ones of their own.

Our next gathering will be December 13, 2009 for the Lees' Christmas Reunion at my house. We pray our missing member will be well enough to come and then our circle will be complete. What a wonderful legacy our mama and daddy left us! The love we share as a family continues and will endure throughout eternity.

This is our other sister who could not make it to the family reunion.
We love you and pray for you continually.