Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Birthday Blessings

I've often told my children that it's the mother that should get the presents on the child's birthday because she is the one that worked so hard to bring them into this world. Of course, they didn't see it quite that way. (grin) So today, I've thought of my own mother a lot. If she were living I'd have called her and told her how much I appreciate her and thank her for giving me life. Yes, today is my birthday, and I would have given her a gift of thankfulness.

Well, today, my children all gave me wonderful gifts. Did they spend a lot of money on me? No, thankfully. But each one called me today. It means so much when your grown children take the time out of their day to call their mother. They knew I was working and that I was busy. But that didn't matter. They loved me enough to call and say "happy birthday" and "I love you". Those words are the most precious words. It's always so good to hear them even in the midst of busy days, especially in the midst of busy days.
But wait, it gets even better. On the first day of school my policeman son called me just to ask how my first day back at school was going. My oldest son calls quite frequently from Arizona to say "hi" and ask how his dad and I are doing. He puts the babies on the phone too to tell their Grandma they love her. How precious is that?
Then, my oldest daughter calls almost every day to talk about her day and how her kids are doing at school. But she always asks about my day as well. My daughter that works at my school always gives me at least one hug every morning and again when she meets me in the hall. My other two sons call, not quite as often, but they call. They always tell me they love me when we hang up. Six children, all birthday blessings to their mother. Not just on my birthday, but every day! I remember well the moment each one made his or her entrance into this world. Their daddy was there with me to welcome them into this world. They were birthday blessings then, and they're birthday blessings now. I thank my heavenly Father for each one of them and my wonderful husband. I thank Him for the family that he has given me. I thank Him for the life He has given me. I thank Him that I am in His family and that He loves me so much. I am so thankful for all my blessings, especially birthday blessings.