Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November 29, 2009 Thirty-nine Years and Counting

Today my husband and I have been married 39 years! So many years ago as a young girl I prayed and asked the Lord to send me someone to love me. My Father did just that! We started dating in tenth grade and have never separated. We married very young, right out of high school. I can honestly say we are more in love now than the day we married. My husband is my very best friend. He is also the most unselfish person I have every known. He does so much for me, for his children, and for anyone in need. He blesses me in so many ways, but most of all, he loves me. He loves me unconditionally. He's so much like our heavenly Father. I see the love of Jesus in my husband every day. And there's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for blessing me with my wonderful husband.