Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ten Days and a Wake-Up

 Yes, that's right.  We are counting down the days!    We'll be on the road again in 10 days and a wake-up. This is Paul's way of saying it. We are heading northwest on our trip this time!  First stop, Ohio Amish Country!  Woo Hoo!  We are all getting excited; Paul, me, Autumn, and Charity!  The girls are going to ride all the way across the country with us for nine days.  Then they will fly back home together, and Paul and I will continue on our westward journey.  I think we counted 27 states we'll be traveling through and 5 of them more than once. When we get back home we'll have completed our goal of visiting all 48 contiguous states!

We're all in need of some much needed rest.  You might think riding for hours and hours, day after day wouldn't be very restful, and you'd be partly right.  Riding does get tiring, but we stop about every hour and a half or two to stretch and move around.  We also stop and see interesting things along the way.  Plus we enjoy being with each other and that makes a very peaceful journey.  Being away from our daily routines and seeing the beautiful things God has created really is a very restful and rewarding time.   We thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity!