Thursday, May 31, 2018

Take-Two for Alaska! (Post # 1)

They say during a movie shoot when they want a do-over is “take-two”.  Well this is our “take-two” for a road trip through the United States, Canada, and Alaska.  But in the movies, they do a take-two because they didn’t get it right the first time.  Not so with us.  We’re doing our “take-two” because in 2015 we drove over 14,000 miles on our Dodge truck for a similar trip and enjoyed every minute of it.  This time we are traveling in our RV.  We have put over 20,000 miles on our “Little House”, as I call it, in the two years we’ve had it and have gotten the hang of setting up and breaking camp with it.  Except we’ve been told that what we do isn’t camping, it’s “glamping”!  I must say I agree.  It is glamorous camping.  We have really enjoyed our motor home and plan to keep right on.  We are so thankful for so many opportunities to go and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.  We don’t take our God-given blessings for granted. We thank Him every day for His gifts of family, home, good health, and provision.
 These are our "beginning" pictures.  The "before" odometer reading and home as we leave.

This first part of the trip is called “getting there”.  One aspect of traveling is just getting from point A to point B, and some days that’s all we do.  The first day from home to Kodak, TN, was a little hectic due to all the rain, congested traffic, and delays caused by lane closures.  This made for a longer day than planned, but we made the best of it.  I kept quiet (for the most part, except for a “have mercy” interjected now and then due to a crazy driver) and knitted a lot so Paul could concentrate on his driving.  

Today was a much better driving day, with the exception of a few more crazy drivers and some more “have mercies”.  Tennessee is a beautiful state, too.

I love old barns!

We got to our park on the Mississippi River about 2:00 in time enough to enjoy a quiet and breeze-filled afternoon reading and watching the tugboats pushing the barges up and down the river.  It has been such a relaxing afternoon.  Tomorrow is another “getting there” day, but it should be a shorter drive from here to Lake Eufaula State Park In Oklahoma.  

These tug boats push from eight to ten barges at one time.

Sometimes they get extremely close to the bank. Our RV (Little House) is right beside this picnic table.

The US Coastguard patrols this water, too.

Sunset on the 

I probably won’t be posting a blog every night due to slow or no internet service, so don't be alarmed if you don't see a blog post for a few days.   Thanks to all of you for your prayers for safe travels.