Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Mt. Airy, NC

We left Louisville, KY, early this morning since we woke up right on cue. I don’t think we’ve set the alarm clock the entire trip. We just seem to know when to wake up. Kentucky and West Virginia were what I’d pictured them to be. Rolling hills, fenced in pastures with lots of horses, old barns and new barns. We finally got to larger mountains in West Virginia and Virginia. They were so beautiful to me! If I had to live somewhere else besides Bear Grass, the mountains of North Carolina or Virginia is where I’d like to live. Of course, I also like the Outer Banks. So, maybe I’ll have additional houses someday, one in the mountains and one on the Outer Banks! Yippee! (As long as I don’t have to clean them all.) (lol) We finally arrived in Mt. Airy around 4:00. We decided to eat supper early since we hadn’t had much lunch and to get ahead of the crowd. Mt. Airy was swarming with people! I guess the holiday was bringing them in. We did have a quieter supper than last night. We came back and I immediately fell asleep at 6:00.
I woke up later and thought it was about 3:00 a.m., but it was only 9:00 p.m. It took a long time to go back to sleep. I guess I was excited about heading for home and the last day on the road! Bear Grass is getting closer and closer!

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