Thursday, August 5, 2010

New England Vacation, Day 13, August 2 Homeward Bound!

The day started out well!  We woke up early to get a head start on the traffic.  No problem getting up, we were ready to go home!   We didn't eat breakfast at the hotel because it was too early, but the lady had the coffee ready so I fixed us a cup of coffee while Paul loaded up the van.  We were "off and running"!  Home!  We enjoy traveling, but we also enjoy getting back home, too.  Especially when the traffic and road construction is as bad as it has been on this trip!

We get down the road about ten miles and Paul asks for money to pay the toll.  I reached for my purse. NO PURSE!  "Honey, what did you do with my purse?!"  "I didn't have it!" was Paul's reply.  Then he asked, "Did you lay it down at the hotel?"  In an instant I saw exactly where my purse was!  I NEVER leave my purse!  But I did this day! I had put it in a chair beside the coffee pots to make our coffee.

He quickly got off the interstate at the next exit and headed back to the hotel.  We pulled off on a side road to get the number to the hotel from his notebook so I could call them.   By the time he opened the door we looked at each other and knew!  My cell phone was in my purse!  So we drove back as quickly as traffic would allow us with me praying all the way!  "Lord, please let a nice person pick it up and turn it in to the front desk.  Lord, You are Lord over all, even over my purse.  Please protect it until we can get back."  I walked in the front door of the hotel, and I saw one of the ladies grinning at me.  Then I looked at the guy at the front desk and he was smiling at me.  He was on the phone calling MY home number.  He was actually leaving me a message about finding my purse.  The coffee lady had found my purse and gave it to him.  Everything was intact! "Thank You, Lord!  You are so good to me." 

The drive the rest of the way home was somewhat like the day before.  Lots of traffic and road construction.  I finished crocheting all my yarn up that I had with me.  I needed something else to do to keep my eyes and attention off all the traffic, so I pulled out my laptop and worked on documents for school.  Gotta love that Dramamine!

When I took a picture of the Virginia state sign I thought,  "WooHoo!  Almost home!"
When that North Carolina state sign came up, I was nearly jumping out of my seat!  All the states we visited were beautiful, some more than others.  But our own state is absolutely the best!  As the song goes, "I Like Calling North Carolina Home."

When the Martin County sign came up, I was almost unbuckling my seat belt!  (Well, not really, but I wanted to.)

When we rounded the corner on the Harry Ayers road, there she was, in all her splendor and glory!      Our home!  I love it!!
 Thank You, Lord, for a wonderful trip together and for helping us return safely.
 Until next time...
Love Y'all

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