Sunday, August 1, 2010

New England Vacation--Day Twelve--August 1,2010

It has been a LONG day!  A 6 hour trip turned into a 12 hour trip due to the heavy and slow traffic mostly on Interstate 95.
We began our long day in Massachusetts, then drove through Rhode Island to Connecticut.

We stopped at Willimantic to visit Miss Emma, Craig's maternal grandmother.  This is a picture of her and her house.

Then we drove around the outskirts of New York City on into New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.

I didn't get Maryland's sign very well,  the traffic was too bad.  The picture below is just one sample of how bad the traffic was ALL DAY!

We got off 95 briefly when we got to Port Deposit where we used to live when Paul was in radiomen school in Bainbridge.  The house we lived in is in the picture below (we stayed in the 3rd floor apt.) and the sign that was in front of his Navy base.  Unfortunately, this sign is all that's left of the base.

Even though it was a very long day due to the traffic, I appreciate God's beauty wherever I find it.
Tomorrow, we'll be HOME!  Bear Grass is such a beautiful place!  I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to have both of you home safe! Thanks for stopping by and visiting with Craig's grandma, I know she loved it! Thanks too for the chocolate! It is Y-U-M-M-Y!!!!! Can't wait to read the final post!! Get some rest! Love you both!!
