Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day One--From home to Mt. Juliet, Tennessee
     It was a long day driving, but we aren't as tired as we would be if Paul hadn't stopped every hour to an hour and a half.  Just getting out and moving around some helps a lot.  Brandon and Meredith behaved themselves (most of the time) and Meredith only asked once "Are we there yet?"
Paul, well, that's a different story.  He . . .  Just kidding.  
He did an awesome job driving through all this traffic.  
The best bumper sticker I saw was "Anybody but Obama!"  Amen to that!
We ate a picnic lunch just before we crossed the NC/TN border.  We almost FROZE it was so cold! 

 The drive was mostly uneventful, which was a good thing.  We did see many minor accidents, though.  The trees were not in their full fall colors, yet, but a few were turning.  
The mountains, of course, never change.  They're always beautiful!
 This is a view of the sky as it was nearing sunset and just before we arrived at Mt. Juliet.  
Oh, the wonders of His hands!
Thanks to "all y'all" for praying for us!

Funny for today.

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