Monday, October 15, 2012

Playing Catch Up for Days 3 & 4--Part One

Ok, so I've had a good night's rest.  I'm sitting out by the pool at Tim's house overlooking the desert--very peaceful and relaxing.  Just what I need after being on the road for four days.  Yesterday was supposed to be the shortest day of driving--WRONG!  Only about an hour away from Tim's we ran into road construction.  It took us about an hour and a half to go 3 miles.  That's not a typo.  3 miles in an hour and a half.  Thank goodness I had my knit therapy with me!

And my I-pod.  When we finally broke free of the traffic and construction, we still had another hour to get to Tim's.  The kids were so excited to see us!  Natalie (after all the hugs) put her hands on her hips and said, "Where have you been so long!!"  I don't know if she meant that we were so late getting there, or if she meant since my last visit in June.  Either way, it was such a sweet and grown-up remark.  So, let me back up to the blog I promised on the third night--Yukon to Albuquerque.  We left our hotel and went to see the home of the Clydesdales--such beautiful animals.

 We didn't realize that we were actually on the Chisholm Trail until we stumbled across this.

 Brandon said this was a Texas Longhorn.  I said, "Well, it's now an "Oklahoma Longhorn"!

After a quick stop at a yard sale, yep, I said yard sale, we were on the road again to Groom, OK, home of the world's largest cross.  We've seen this before on our cross country trips, but we never had the time to stop.  We planned for a stop this time.  What a reverent place.  Yes, it is just brick, mortar, and stone, but what works of art to the glory of God and the sacrifice Jesus. 

After a quick picnic lunch here, and a short stop at the Cadillac ranch,

we were on the road again to New Mexico.

 One quick stop we made after we left Albuquerque was in Hatch, NM, the "chili capital of the world".  Look at all those chili peppers!  Yep, Paul bought a bunch.  Part Two of this blog will tell about the balloon fiesta.  Gotta rest awhile!

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