Thursday, October 3, 2013

Our Travels Continue!

     This is only a short trip for us, though.  Instead of thousands of miles of road and many, many nights on the road, we're headed up the coast through Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and into Pennsylvania to Lancaster County.  Our destination is Amish country, one of our favorite places to visit.

     After a half-day of work for Paul, we headed out on our PA Amish country adventure. First stop: Virginia Beach, to wish Aunt Nancy a happy birthday. Second stop: Chincoteague Island, VA.  At one point, this is where the GPS showed we were.    In the middle of the water!!!  Yep, we really were, but the GPS didn't know a new bridge had been built.

 The view that greeted us from our hotel balcony was magnificent! 

 After dinner, we put out feet up and watched the sun go down. 
 SO relaxing. 

 The water was so calm, and the seagulls and ducks were busy with their nighttime rituals & calling back and forth to each other. At last, darkness . . . and . . . the mosquitoes! Oh, well. The perfect ending to a perfect day.  It's been a rather long day, in spite of the shorter distance of miles.  Tomorrow, on to PA.

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