Friday, October 4, 2013

Day two: Four states

We left Chincoteague after a leisurely breakfast on the front porch of our hotel looking out at the water and its menagerie of wildlife.  We tried to visit the seashore . . .


We did get some pictures of the lighthouse, though.

The drive through the rest of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and into Pennsylvania was rather long but beautiful.  The quiet countrysides were much more pleasant than the interstate through Richmond, DC, and Baltimore.  I'm glad we didn't drive straight from home to PA, although we will drive it straight through on the way home.  Traffic was pretty bad when we got into PA.  Tourist season is alive and thriving in Amish country!!!  We finally reached our home away from home for the next three nights.
Our rooms are where the upstairs windows are open.  The couple that we are renting from is Lena and Dan Esh, who are Mennonites.   We haven't met Dan yet, but Lena is a very sweet lady.  I brought her four dishcloths and a scrubbie that I had knitted in Amish colors just for her.  She has already invited us to go to church with them on Sunday.  I told Paul it would be very interesting to see how Mennonites worship.  I'm excited about going.  I did tell her that I didn't bring a dress, though, but she assured me I'd be okay in slacks.  We'll see how that turns out.  The "room" is more like an apartment!  It's very homey and nice.  I was very impressed with her art work!

The views from our windows are very serene.  

 Yes, this really was taken today, right over the house.  It was not copied from our Albuquerque trip!

We're sitting here now listening to the clip-clop of the Amish buggies passing back and forth down this side road.  I'm glad we're not on the main road.  Those tourists are annoying!!!!  

I feel right at home here.  The windows are open.  There's no TV blaring.  The crickets are singing.  And the dull roar of the fan blowing is about to put me to sleep.  So peaceful. 

The best part:  Paul and I are together.  He's such a blessing to me.

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