Sunday, July 27, 2014


Yes, this girl who doesn't swim wanted to go parasailing, and Paul was happy to oblige.  I mean, after all, I had on a life preserver!  This was an amazing adventure!  I was hoping to see how it was done by watching the first pair of sailers, but, noooo, our first instructions were to "stand up".  I thought the guy was talking to the whole group, but, noooo, he was talking only to Paul and me.  So, we obediently stood up, and he held out this harness for us to step into.  Yep, stepped right into that thing like stepping into underwear!  He buckled us into the harness and led us to the back of the boat.  He then buckled us to this seat thing with a cable (tow rope) attached.  We were instructed how to "sit" for the launch.  "Just bend your knees and wait for the kite to pull you up."  Liar!  Pull you up?  Hardly!  That thing jerked us off that boat like a bat out of #%$&!  I thought surely I was going to be in that water!  But, no, we just went up, and up, and . . .  You get the picture!--below.

So beautiful and peaceful from up here. 

 The captain had asked us before we took off if we wanted to get dunked on the way down.  
My response: "Only if you promise me that my head won't go under water." 
 He promised, and he was true to his word.

We had so much fun!  Absolutely loved it!!

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