Thursday, April 1, 2010

Twins' Quilts

I am an old-fashioned hand quilter. I learned to quilt while watching Momma and my aunts quilt around a big quilting frame held up by handmade quilt stands. I say I watched them. I did more playing with my doll babies under the quilt than I did anything else. At first anyway! Then as I got older Momma would let me take a few stitches. I'm sure she took my first stitches out when I wasn't looking. lol I enjoy handquilting very much. BUT--it is so SLOW!

Paul bought me a new sewing machine a few years ago after I wore out my favorite machine that I had used for years! I had to have a new machine because I was going to make my fifth wedding dress, my baby girl's dress. I purposefully bought a Janome quilting machine with the hopes that one day I would have time to quilt by machine.
Well, the time has come! These quilts are my first attempt at machine quilting. I enjoyed working on them very much! It's always fun to work on something for babies! Kate, Natalie, Ethan, Maryann, and Tim came for a visit over Thanksgiving.  I had the quilts ready so I showed them to Tim and Maryann.  We were going to mail the quilts to them for their Christmas presents since they won't be here for Christmas.
They've gone back to Arizona now, and I miss them so much!



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