Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Marine Corp Graduation—Part Two

My heart is still pounding with pure pride and humility as the Marine Corp Band finishes up that song! (see part one)—“pride” in this group of men and all the ones that have proceeded them on this very spot, my own sons being among them—“humility” in my position as a mother to such young men. The band stood at attention during this godly and patriotic song. The crowd is now on its feet applauding not only their performance, but their boldness in proclaiming their allegiance to our God Who founded our nation!

Now they’re playing a marching cadence down the parade deck! Near the end they do a sharp snap-turn and proceed back to where I’m sitting. But wait! The mood changes! They’ve slowed their steps to a slow march and the music follows suit. What’s that I hear? Oh, my! I haven’t heard this song in years, but oh what memories are sweeping through my mind, almost as many as the steps it takes the band to get through the song: “Nothing Could Be Finer Than to be in Carolina”. My first thought is “Yes! I’m so glad to be here on this beautiful day in my sister state, South Carolina, for my sister and nephew.” Then my thoughts turn inward to my own men.

First there’s my husband—so young when he left for Boot Camp in the Great Lakes. Our firstborn was only three months old when he left. I didn’t get to go see him graduate. Our baby was too little, and it was too far for us to travel. When he returned home I got my first look at him when he stepped out of that airplane. My heart almost melted at the sight of him in his uniform! And when he took our baby boy into his arms, I could hardly believe what I saw! That baby took one look at his daddy and HUGGED him. For real! He laid his little head on his daddy’s shoulder and put his little arms around his neck! What a joyous homecoming for us!

My thoughts skip forward to when I saw this first-born son in his own Army uniform. His graduation was also too far away in Oklahoma for us to attend. We also have five other children by now and not a lot of money for traveling. When I saw him step off the plane, he looked so tall! Of course, he was tall when he left, but seeing him in his uniform made him look even taller. He was so handsome, just like his dad!

My next three sons were Marines by the time they were old enough to go off into the woods to play by themselves. Really! They loved to wear their camouflage pants I had made for them and build forts and battlements out in the woods. They would stay out there all day and come in only for Koolaid and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. These were the boys that marched across this same parade deck that I am sitting in front of now, not that many years ago. I’ve been at this exact spot three times and experienced the same feelings of honor and pride, thankfulness and joy. All the months of praying for their success culminated in these fine sons marching across this parade deck into my proud arms!

You might ask, “Did all this really cross your mind during just one song?” The answer is yes. NOTHING could be finer than to remember the days of my children’s youth growing up in rural North Carolina. My thoughts come back to the present as the band finishes their stroll down the parade deck.

Next, an officer is called forth to PRAY! That’s right! The United States Marine Corp began their graduation ceremony with prayer, a beautiful and moving prayer that recognized God as our supreme commander of a nation that was founded on the Bible and the truths found therein. I was so moved by this officer’s prayer and thankful to him and the Marine Corp for putting God in His rightful place in this ceremony in our nation, in this ceremony, and in our hearts!

Now all the different platoons are being recognized for their hard work and dedication. The honor graduates are receiving their awards, and turning over the platoon flags to their superiors—a sort of “changing of the guards” you might say. Soon these same flags will be dispersed to other groups of young men beginning their journey through the rigorous training and adversities of Marine boot camp.

The families and friends who have come to cheer on their young Marines are now on their feet as the platoons begin their final march down the parade deck past the crowd. The Colors—the United States flag and the Marine Corp flag—are being proudly carried by Marines in their “dress blues”. What a sight to behold—four hundred Marines all marching in perfect step, the Colors escorting their way! The band begins their final performance for the day. Now I am in tears again! The song? “God Bless America”.

It IS a beautiful day!

God Bless America

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
God bless America, My home sweet home.

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