Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mother/Son Wedding Dance

I don’t know if I ever realized there was a Mother/Son dance at weddings. I knew there was a Father/Daughter dance, so at Brandon's wedding reception this weekend I was surprised when the DJ said, “And now for the mother/son dance”. My son walked across the dance floor from his bride toward me, and I left his Daddy’s side to meet him on the dance floor. As he put his arms around me he said, “Mama, listen to the words of this song carefully. I picked it out myself just for you.” I only heard the first few words of the song because my emotions took over and all the specialness of this son of mine swept over me like a tidal wave! He’s my baby boy! And now he’s a married man! No, I don’t think I’m losing him. He’s much too much like his daddy for me to think that. I know that he will always be there for me.

He was there for me when my mother died, even though he was only about 19 months old at the time. He was the one who sat on my lap and hugged me when I cried, and he cried with me over the loss I felt. I believe he felt the loss, too. He was the one that brought me little dried flowers he picked out by the woods. He was the one that needed a turtle to raise for Scouts, and we stopped and turned around in the middle of the road to go back to get Spot. We raised that little box turtle together. So many things I remember about this little boy as he was growing up—times we spent together.

But the thing I love the most about this son is that he’ll talk to me. He tells me about his work as a police officer. (Well, not everything. He’s also protective of me, like his daddy.) He tells me about how he feels about things. He’s patient with me when I don’t understand. (most of the time) But when he’s tired and irritable and perhaps does hurt my feelings, he’s quick to apologize, explaining why—that’s it’s not me—it has to do with other things.

He values my opinions and my prayers. He’s eager to please both me and his dad, and he’s quick to always say, “Let me know if you need anything.” He always ends our conversations with, "I love you!" He never fails to hug me when he comes and when he goes.

I didn’t hear the words to his song during the dance because I was too busy telling him these things—how special he is—how much he means to me. So I googled it, "The Perfect Fan" by the Backstreet Boys. I cried all over again.

I love you, Brandon!

I hope you enjoy it too.

Here’s the link to the song.

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