Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New England Vacation--Day Seven--July 27,2010

Another long day on the road!  We left Burlington, VT, early and drove all the way to the Lost River in New Hampshire.  If you've never heard of the Lost River or are wondering why it's called the Lost River, I'll tell you.  IT'S BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO GO A LONG WAY UNDERGROUND TO FIND IT!
But it was so rewarding!  Yes, it takes a lot of hard work to get down to where it is, and then you have to climb, crawl on your knees, shimmy down rocks on your butt, crawl on your stomach, watch your head, s-q-u-e-e-z-e between things, and climb back out of dark places.  IT WAS WONDERFUL!

There were only a few places that I didn't do any of the things listed above.  The first time was when I climbed down a ladder into a dark chamber.  There was just enough light at the bottom from a kerosene lantern to expose this very tiny hole that we had to crawl through.  I panicked!  That's as close as I've ever come to an anxiety attack.  Paul tried to convince me I could do it, but I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT! So, I didn't.
I called back up the ladder to tell whoever was coming down to NOT come down that I was coming back up!  And up I came out of that black hole!  What was so strange was that I had already been in similar places in this gorge, so what was so different about that one?  I don't know.  Maybe it was because I couldn't see what was on the other side of the hole.  Maybe I was afraid of getting half way in and couldn't get out.  Whatever the reason, I choose to come out the way I came in!

The second time was when I would have had to crawl on my knees a long way to get through that particular passage.  I found out the hard way in one of the other passages that crawling on my knees was not a good thing.  I forgot about my knee I'd had surgery on and the other knee that still hasn't healed from my fall over the flower pot at school.  Needless to say, I'd already bruised both knees crawling through the first passage, so I wasn't about to add madness to mayhem!

The third time they had a "butt-gauge"!  Yes, I kid you not!  At this particular passage, they had a "squeeze detector", or what I call a "butt-gauge".  If you couldn't squeeze through the poles they had outside the passage, you'd not be able to squeeze through the passage.  I wasn't taking any chances with that one!  I walked on by.

The other passage I didn't try was one you had to literally crawl on your stomach a long way to get through--and I had on a new shirt--wasn't gonna get that dirty--I passed that one up too!

But it is an absolutely, amazing, God-created, place of wonder and spectacular beauty.  I highly recommend it if you're ever in New Hampshire.

Then we continued our l-o-n-n-n-g drive through the mountains of New Hampshire to Bangor, Maine.
Fortunately, there was a restaurant right across the parking lot form our hotel, so we didn't have to drive anywhere else to get some dinner.

Tomorrow, we tour Bar Harbor, Maine.
Night all!
Love ya!

                                                   My favorite picture from today!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you both had fun at the Lost River! I am also glad you were able to "find" it!! Great picture of daddy!! Love you both! Have a great night in Maine and let me know if you see the road named after the Littlefield's!
