Friday, July 23, 2010

New England Vacation--Day Three--July 23,2010

Our day began leisurely for the second day in a row.  Now this is a vacation!  Last year we had to get up early every morning to get on the road because we had such long drives to get to where we wanted to be.  Texas isn't the only state that's BIG!  Since we have relatively short driving distances this year, we can be a little bit lazy about getting started.  It was especially nice this morning because the bed and breakfast we stayed in was SO comfortable.  We had breakfast there with a beautifully decorated dining room and nicely set tables with real China.  I felt pampered!
After we checked out we rode the countryside and looked at Amish farms and fields.  We saw many of the Amish out in the fields working.  All their farms, houses, and yards were so neat and well cared for.  We stopped at an old mill and the guide there gave us a personal tour and history of the mill and the family who ran it for many years.  It is still a working mill, but not used for such.  They just show it off to visitors.  The last son worked it for all his life with the exception of the time he went to war.  He never married, so all the money he'd earned went toward the preservation of the old mill.  It still operates today on his money, even though he has been dead for many years.
We stopped at a few Amish farms that had little shops out back with things to sell.  I bought a quilted potholder, a key chain, and books.  We saw some absolutely beautiful quilts!  Another things that was so neat was their work area in the back.  Their sewing machines, paddle fans, Visa machine (yes, you read that right), etc. were run off of wind power.  You could hear the sound of wind rushing through the hoses that ran to their equipment.

We stopped at Valley Forge and did the "driving tour".  That's where you ride around the battlefield in your car...and take pictures from the van!  LOL  We did stop and get out at George Washington's headquarters and tour the buildings.  At the Memorial Chapel I found a used book store!!!  Yes, I bought more books!! But only two---well, one was free---and a Bible at that!

The drive to Philadelphia was okay until we hit the outer limits of the city.  MORE TRAFFIC!  UGGGH!  But it was worth it.  We are now in the Hilton in Philly, and we have an absolutely beautiful view from our window. 

On a down note, I've lost my prescription glasses.  I've looked everywhere, but to no avail.  Please pray that we'll find them.  I'll call the stores tomorrow in Amish country to see if anyone found a pair.

Tomorrow will be a lot different from today.  From the simple lives of the Amish to the bustling city of Philadelphia.
What adventures await us tomorrow?

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics and the updates from your trip daily. I was wondering if maybe your post tonight could include your itinerary for the rest of your trip. I know I have talked to Daddy about it in detail a lot but it is hard to remember where you are heading next. Glad you are having a wonderful time!! Miss you both!! Love you!!
