Monday, July 26, 2010

New England Vacation--Day Six--July 26,2010

What an absolutely beautiful day in Vermont!  We got to the ferry early only to learn it didn't leave for another two hours.  So, we just switched our plans around.  We were going to take the ferry across Lake Champlain from Vermont to New York and then drive back around Grand Island to Vermont.  So, instead we did the drive first.  We drove all the way to the Canadian border, (funny thing, though, no border patrol there, just gates to check passports).  Then through part of New York to get to the ferry back to Vermont.  The view around Lake Champlain is absolutely stunning.  Everywhere we looked along the drive were wild flowers with the lake in the background.   Of course, there were farms and farmhouses along the way too.  Paul and I tried to imagine everything covered in snow.  We came to the same conclusion, it's a beautiful place to visit, but we wouldn't want to live here in the winter.  I know it is beautiful in the fall, though!  We'd love to come back one year in the autumn.

After we got back from our drive and ferry ride, we were going to visit the Shelburn Museum.  When we got there, it wasn't what we had pictured it would be.  We had seen a Goodwill store on the way, so when the museum didn't look so good, we looked at each other and KNEW where we were going!  You guessed it, to the Goodwill store!  Now, so far, Goodwill stores haven't impressed me much. I guess they just didn't have the kind of junk I was looking for.  But this one was SO different!  Paul finally found someplace to sit down! LOL  He is always so patient, though.  I found some beautiful glassware serving pieces to add to my collection.  I also found two things that I have been wanting!  I wanted a good new pillow and some nonstick round cake pans.  I found both!  Now don't go thinking I'm going to use a used pillow.  What made this store so amazing was the fact that they had a lot of brand new items, still in the original wrappers and labels.  It looked like a Home Bazaar store had gone out of business and donated all their items to Goodwill! So my pillow and cake pans were brand new for a fraction of the cost.  I got a brand new garden flag that said, "Count your blessings" for Thanksgiving.  I got some sort of iron wall plaque that is about 18 inches by 24 inches.  Paul wanted to know where I was going to put it!  Ahh, I have a plan, but I won't divulge it yet!  And, of course, books.  One on quilting, one on applique, and one on making bird houses.  Can you guess who I bought the last one for?  lol  He doesn't know about that, either

But the absolute highlight of the day was our dinner cruise along Lake Champlain.  Yes, the food was very good, but the lake itself was the star attraction.  After our dinner, we went out on the upper deck and sat side by side and watched the sun set.  We took picture after picture because with every passing minute the scene changed.  The weather was just right!  Nippy, just cool enough to have to snuggle close together to keep each other warm.  Then, when we could no longer see the sunset, we moved to the front of the boat because the moon was coming up!  So, we snuggled against each other and leaned against the bow of the boat and watched the moon ascend, first above the tree tops, then above the roof tops, and finally high enough that we could see the reflection shinning all the way from the shore to our boat.  Not only was it breathtakingly beautiful, but it was so peaceful.  It reminded me of a scripture song that I learned long ago:
"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, my Lord's name is to be praised."  With so much beauty all around us, how can anyone not believe in our Creator God.
"Wonderful are the works of Your mighty hands, and that my soul knows very well!"
In good times and in bad my Lord has been faithful to me.  I will be the same to Him.
I will bless the Lord at all times.  His praise shall continually be in my mouth!
Tomorrow Paul wants to get maple syrup before we leave Vermont.  Then it's on to New Hampshire and Maine.
Later Gators!

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