Saturday, July 9, 2011

Asheville, NC, to Home!

We left Asheville this morning around 8:00.  We got a surprise wake-up call this morning from Joshua calling from Australia!  It was so good to talk to him, even if just briefly. He said it was so beautiful there.  I think that's a little too far for a road trip.  Maybe one day we'll get to go there, by plane! lol

Our last morning to pack up the van.  Our system worked really well this summer.  We were very organized and all the checking in and out of the hotels wasn't so bad.  

The ride home was mostly uneventful except for a semi-truck braking suddenly and swerving to miss a "plastic bucket"!  Then it almost hit the car and trailer that had pulled over to the side of the road to retrieve the bucket!    Needless to say, the brake on my side of the van failed again.  I'm so thankful that Paul's brake was working!!  We didn't see much of the mountains because of all the fog.  The sun finally broke through, but by then we were mostly out of the mountains.

When we got home we had a wonderful welcoming committee to greet us.

Then two more of our children, their spouses, and their children came over, too.  My daughters cooked a wonderful dinner and we all had a good time eating it.  Then, after the kitchen was cleaned up, everyone went outside to play.

North Carolina is very hot and humid in the summer, and it hasn't changed since we've been gone.  I thought about the 115 degree heat at my son's house in Arizona.  I don't remember sweating there like I did while we were outside playing.

I'm in my 'nest' now, writing the last travel blog of this trip. 

   We saw so many of God's beautiful creations.  We traveled 12,361.4 miles.  
The odometer only shows the 2,361.4 miles because once it clicked over to 10,000 miles, it started over again.   Of course, we didn't know it wouldn't count higher than 10,000 miles; we've never been that far in one trip before.
 Our wonderful savior answered all our prayers for safety and protection and blessed us with many adventures along the way.  We're thankful our daughters got to travel all the way across country with us for nine days.  We're thankful to meet old and new friends.  We're thankful to all of you for praying for our safe travels.  We're thankful to be home again.  There's no place like home.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Days 35 & 36--July 7th & 8th--Lincoln, NE, to Mt. Vernon, IL, to Asheville, NC

 This is what the sky looked like as we left Lincoln, NE, headed for Iowa. 
Before we left out hotel we found out the ALL the roads that would take us the direction we were headed looked like this.  Yep, under water.
Therefore every which way we turned we encountered this:
The Missouri River had overflowed its banks and caused major flooding throughout the area.
It looked like we were not going to get to our last state to complete our visits of the contiguous United States.  But you know Paul and his computer maps!
 Through a little bit of Kansas, and a lot of Missouri, we finally made it
to Iowa!                                        

Most of our driving was through heavy rain, as if this area needed more, huh?  If you look at all the pictures in the album for these days, you'll see what a hard job Paul had. This picture is just an example of how bad it was.  The little bit of light you see is actually headlights from an oncoming car.  The wipers were working as hard as they      could, but they just couldn't keep up with the rain.

Driving around St. Louis was terrible!

Today started out much like yesterday.  The only difference was the states that we went through.

While we were with Pat and Marcia we tried to find a place to go white-water rafting.  We couldn't find a trip that fit into our schedule.  After yesterday and today driving through so much heavy rain, I got my wish.  Thankfully, we did not hydroplane across the highway!
It was raining so hard that we barely saw the North Carolina sign as we crossed the state line.  You can see the state flag if you look closely.
We stopped at the welcome center to get a better shot.

We're in Asheville now, spending our last night on the road.  We'll be home tomorrow afternoon.
It's been a very good trip, but we're ready to be still for awhile.

"I like calling North Carolina home!"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 34--July 6th--Ft. Collins, CO, to Lincoln, NE

We left early from Pat and Marcia's this morning--not quite as early as we had planned.  It was just so good to sit and talk that we hated to say goodbye.  Sharing old times and catching up on what's been going on in each of our lives was such a blessing.  Many years have passed since we were all 'Navy buddies' in Hatteras, and a lot of life has happened to both families.  But it seemed like our friendship just picked up where it left off so many years ago.  They are such fun people to be with!  Marcia and I had our fun and Paul and Pat had theirs.

Paul is very interested in family history, so he and Pat sat a long time and researched Pat's family history.  They were really into it as you can tell by the expressions on their faces. 

After many hugs we were on the road again.

We rode up to Cheyenne, WY,

and then on into Nebraska. 
 Fields, cows, fields, cows, fields, cows......
Do you get the picture?

One is all is will take and then as Pat said we could just put it on time-lapsed photography. lol 

I actually did some reading and note taking for my online classes.  I told you Dramamine was good stuff.  I have NEVER done any reading and riding before without throwing up!  Sorry! TMI!  (too much information)

We finally got to Lincoln to our hotel and, of course, what was on the street just before our hotel?  You guessed it, a thrift store!!!  Found some more half-off stuff that is gorgeous!!!  I have the most patient and generous husband!!! 

I'm supposed to be working on school stuff online, but the internet here at this hotel is *!@#!*#!
That's as close to talking ugly as I get!  I do have a LOT of reading I need to do, so this is short, even though the day of riding was long.

Tomorrow, we're headed through Iowa and Missouri and then to Mt. Vernon, IL.  Look out North Carolina!  We're headed your way!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 32 & 33--July 4 & 5 Moab, UT, to Ft. Collins, CO

Happy 4th of July, Everyone!

We left Moab early in the morning to allow for the seven hour drive to Ft. Collins, CO.  The drive through the Rockies was so beautiful.

  The ride was mostly uneventful.  The traffic was especially heavy around Denver, therefore, a lot of knitting was going on. lol

We arrived in Colorado a little before lunch.  We grabbed a quick lunch at Arby's and then  got to Pat and Marcia's house around 1:30.

We had lots of fun hugging and catching up on times passed.  They cooked us a wonderful dinner of bison steak, roasted corn on the cob, salads, and rhubarb pie.  Paul and I had never had rhubarb pie, so Pat said is was tradition that we MUST try raw rhubarb before we could have the pie.  They all played it up so much as being EXTREMELY bitter.  So, my tongue was prepared!  Aww, shucks!  It wasn't even as sour as a lemon!  At least not to me.  They thought I was kidding when I said it wasn't that sour. But Marcia has a wonderful rhubarb pie recipe that has been handed down for generations that is absolutely delicious!  Especially with ice cream on it.  Oh, and she even grows her own rhubarb!  After dinner we took a drive up to Horse Tooth Reservoir to see Ft. Collins from the top.  It was beautiful!  They were still shooting off fireworks, so we watched for a little bit.  So we did get to see a few fireworks. We were all very tired when we got back and promptly went to bed.

Today, after a wonderful breakfast of French toast and strawberries, Marcia and I took the Audi to a very famous yarn shop called Lambspun.  Wonderful place to ooh and aah.  I bought some knitting needles.  The yarn was very tempting, but out of my price range.  We did enjoy the visit and the ride!
 Now, doesn't this look like we're having WAY too much fun?!
True 'Navy' buddies!

Then Paul and I went to some more friends' house, Louanne and Pete's, for a delicious lunch that she prepared for us.   Louanne and I know each other from a mutual love of quilting.   She is such a special lady.  She makes all these wonderful quilts, and she has eye problems that only allows her to work on them a little bit at a time.  Here's a picture of us with the beautiful mini wall-hanging she made for me and a prayer cloth I knitted for her.  The Lord has a way of connecting people that He wants to get together.  I'm so glad I got to meet Louanne in person. 
It turned out that Paul and Pete also had a lot in common.  Pete was in the Navy, too, and he's also a woodworker.  So Paul and he had a lot they could talk about as well.  They were such a sweet couple, and we enjoyed visiting with them so much.  
Thank you so much for such a delightful lunch, Louanne and Pete!  We love you!
We're now enjoying a nice thunderstorm here at Pat and Marcia's house.  A little later we'll eat dinner and watch a movie.  We're looking forward to a relaxing evening before we head out tomorrow for Lincoln, Nebraska.  I'll post pictures of Paul and Pat tomorrow.
Many blessings to you all.
Love you.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Days 30 & 31--July 2 & 3-- Moab, UT, and Arches National Park

Yesterday was spent mostly riding, therefore no blog.

We arrived at our hotel early so we found a thrift shop and quilt shop while we were waiting for the hotel to ready our room.  The thrift shop we found had 50% off all crafts!  Now, that's a bargain when a 'thrift' store has a sale!  I found knitting needles, a crochet hook, yarn, sewing tools, lace fabric for curtain....and some other things, and I spent $9.
The quilt store was right across the street from the hotel.  I only bought three small pieces of fabric.

After we got in our hotel Paul took a nap and I worked on my online classes the rest of the afternoon.
We had reservations for dinner and a boat ride at 7:00 at Canyon Lands.
The dinner was a 'chuck-wagon' style meal.  It was very good, and we met some very interesting people.

Our mini-cruise started about 8:30 down the Colorado River. 

It was almost dark by then.  Our seats were at the very front of the boat.  As the lady that assigned them to us said, "Sweet seats."  We slowly cruised down the river with our guide pointing out special features on the mountain walls above us.  When we got down the river it was nearly dark.  Then the 'light show' began.  It wasn't what we expected, but it was very good.  There was a truck was on the road opposite us with a huge light on top.  As the narrator told the story, the light would shine on the rock walls to follow along with the story.  I was surprised and thankful at the same time.  They actually gave credit to God for such beauty and wonder.  They told the story about how the earth was created, etc.  At some points along the way, they would turn off the big light and everything would be pitch black except for the stars.  Our boat was completely open so we could see all around us and above us.  The soft music, the water rushing by our boat, the stillness of the night, the stars, the cool breezes, all made for a very relaxing evening.  It was almost eleven o'clock when we got back to our hotel.

Today we headed for Arches National Park.
It's amazing how all these rock formations have a lot in common but can be so different at the same time.  Why is this park the only one with arches?  There were many of them.  The only thing about it, though, you couldn't see most of them from the roadway.  Paul and I had already discussed during the planning of this trip to do some hiking.  And, boy, did we ever! 

The first three that we went to were a half mile away, therefore one mile round trip.  But you have to realize this isn't a mile as we think of it.  It's hiking up and down and over and around and climbing rocks, and then having to climb back down.

The next one we wanted to see was DelicateArch.  

Well, this one was over a mile and a half off the road.  Yep, do the math.  Over three miles round trip!  And it was HOT!  I had to take many breaks going up that mountain trail.  Several times I thought I was either going to throw up or die!! 

But I was determined I was going to make it, and I did.  The pictures will show you a little of what it was like.  But the time I finally made it back to the van, I was done!  Or, so I thought. 

Delicate Arch

I really wanted to see Landscape Arch.  It was only .8 miles off the road, and the brochure said it was an 'easy' walk, not much of an incline.  They lied!  Maybe it was because I'd already hiked over four miles.
 Landscape Arch
 You have to look closely to see the arch.  Most of the pictures on the post cards have the sun light shining on it, so you can see it better.  When we got through with this one, we really were through.  It was a hard day physically, but a very rewarding day.  Now, let's see if I can get out of bed in the morning.  lol
Tomorrow we head for Colorado.
Until then....