Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 34--July 6th--Ft. Collins, CO, to Lincoln, NE

We left early from Pat and Marcia's this morning--not quite as early as we had planned.  It was just so good to sit and talk that we hated to say goodbye.  Sharing old times and catching up on what's been going on in each of our lives was such a blessing.  Many years have passed since we were all 'Navy buddies' in Hatteras, and a lot of life has happened to both families.  But it seemed like our friendship just picked up where it left off so many years ago.  They are such fun people to be with!  Marcia and I had our fun and Paul and Pat had theirs.

Paul is very interested in family history, so he and Pat sat a long time and researched Pat's family history.  They were really into it as you can tell by the expressions on their faces. 

After many hugs we were on the road again.

We rode up to Cheyenne, WY,

and then on into Nebraska. 
 Fields, cows, fields, cows, fields, cows......
Do you get the picture?

One is all is will take and then as Pat said we could just put it on time-lapsed photography. lol 

I actually did some reading and note taking for my online classes.  I told you Dramamine was good stuff.  I have NEVER done any reading and riding before without throwing up!  Sorry! TMI!  (too much information)

We finally got to Lincoln to our hotel and, of course, what was on the street just before our hotel?  You guessed it, a thrift store!!!  Found some more half-off stuff that is gorgeous!!!  I have the most patient and generous husband!!! 

I'm supposed to be working on school stuff online, but the internet here at this hotel is *!@#!*#!
That's as close to talking ugly as I get!  I do have a LOT of reading I need to do, so this is short, even though the day of riding was long.

Tomorrow, we're headed through Iowa and Missouri and then to Mt. Vernon, IL.  Look out North Carolina!  We're headed your way!!

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