Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 29--July 1--Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

Wow!  What a truly fantastic day!  I try to be very careful with my words.  'Fantastic' means 'having to do with fantasy or something unreal, so I rarely use this word. But it's exactly the word to describe Bryce Canyon!  A fantasy land--carved by the Hand of God himself. You'll see what I mean a little bit further down the blog.

We had about a two hour drive to get to Bryce Canyon, but we saw wondrous things before we even got there.

We saw SNOW again after being in 112 degree heat in Arizona.  Amazing, huh.  I think the temperature at this point in our journey was about 56 degrees. 

A little further down the road we came across a lake and meadows that had been formed by lava flow. 
Paul and I both commented on how the black rocks
looked like newly plowed land.  What do you think?

Next, we got to Red Canyon, which I called the doorway to Bryce Canyon.  It wasn't part of the National Park, but it was certainly a 'taste' of what we were about to see.  I especially liked the arches. (There were two of them.) 

 Then the spectacular views met us!

God's beauty was even in the small things, like these little tiny flowers growing up amongst the rocks and dead tree limbs.

We saw a man that made us sad and full of gratitude and wonder all at the same time.  As we were hiking down the 'paved' trail, we saw him.  He had not taken the shorter or the easier route.  He was taking the graveled path.  How often do we take our good legs and bodies for granted?  How often do we complain of just a little bit of pain or inconvenience?  This man was full of determination and desire to see for himself the wonders that God had carved just over the rim of the canyon.  By the time we had hiked all the way up to the uppermost point of the lookout, talked on the phone to Charity, and hiked all the way back down, this man had just made his way to the end of the graveled walk, only a tiny fraction of the trail.  I wondered about his story.  Was he a veteran that had become disabled serving our country?  Was he born this way?  What or WHO gave him his persistence and courage to keep going, even when it was so hard?  All questions I'll never know the answer to.  But after watching his laborious effort, I'm more appreciative of what I have been given.

Now--I'd like to wish happy birthday to two wonderful ladies that I know and love!

Patsy, You are such a wonderful sister!  I appreciate all that you do for my family and me (and my house and mail while I'm gone).  Especially haircuts, etc.  You bless us in many ways.

Carol, You came into my life just a few short years ago, but I feel like I've known you and loved you all my life.  I know the Lord brought us together and created this special love we have for each other.

May the Lord richly bless both of my special sisters today on their birthdays!
I love you so much!

I am also truly thankful for the special love that the Lord has given us for each other.  After all these years, it just keeps getting better.

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