Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 32 & 33--July 4 & 5 Moab, UT, to Ft. Collins, CO

Happy 4th of July, Everyone!

We left Moab early in the morning to allow for the seven hour drive to Ft. Collins, CO.  The drive through the Rockies was so beautiful.

  The ride was mostly uneventful.  The traffic was especially heavy around Denver, therefore, a lot of knitting was going on. lol

We arrived in Colorado a little before lunch.  We grabbed a quick lunch at Arby's and then  got to Pat and Marcia's house around 1:30.

We had lots of fun hugging and catching up on times passed.  They cooked us a wonderful dinner of bison steak, roasted corn on the cob, salads, and rhubarb pie.  Paul and I had never had rhubarb pie, so Pat said is was tradition that we MUST try raw rhubarb before we could have the pie.  They all played it up so much as being EXTREMELY bitter.  So, my tongue was prepared!  Aww, shucks!  It wasn't even as sour as a lemon!  At least not to me.  They thought I was kidding when I said it wasn't that sour. But Marcia has a wonderful rhubarb pie recipe that has been handed down for generations that is absolutely delicious!  Especially with ice cream on it.  Oh, and she even grows her own rhubarb!  After dinner we took a drive up to Horse Tooth Reservoir to see Ft. Collins from the top.  It was beautiful!  They were still shooting off fireworks, so we watched for a little bit.  So we did get to see a few fireworks. We were all very tired when we got back and promptly went to bed.

Today, after a wonderful breakfast of French toast and strawberries, Marcia and I took the Audi to a very famous yarn shop called Lambspun.  Wonderful place to ooh and aah.  I bought some knitting needles.  The yarn was very tempting, but out of my price range.  We did enjoy the visit and the ride!
 Now, doesn't this look like we're having WAY too much fun?!
True 'Navy' buddies!

Then Paul and I went to some more friends' house, Louanne and Pete's, for a delicious lunch that she prepared for us.   Louanne and I know each other from a mutual love of quilting.   She is such a special lady.  She makes all these wonderful quilts, and she has eye problems that only allows her to work on them a little bit at a time.  Here's a picture of us with the beautiful mini wall-hanging she made for me and a prayer cloth I knitted for her.  The Lord has a way of connecting people that He wants to get together.  I'm so glad I got to meet Louanne in person. 
It turned out that Paul and Pete also had a lot in common.  Pete was in the Navy, too, and he's also a woodworker.  So Paul and he had a lot they could talk about as well.  They were such a sweet couple, and we enjoyed visiting with them so much.  
Thank you so much for such a delightful lunch, Louanne and Pete!  We love you!
We're now enjoying a nice thunderstorm here at Pat and Marcia's house.  A little later we'll eat dinner and watch a movie.  We're looking forward to a relaxing evening before we head out tomorrow for Lincoln, Nebraska.  I'll post pictures of Paul and Pat tomorrow.
Many blessings to you all.
Love you.

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