Thursday, April 30, 2015

Long Drive from Tucson to Madera, CA

Today's drive was our longest so far.  We started out from Tucson at 5:00 to beat the Phoenix traffic, and we were rewarded by seeing the sun come up over the mountains.

My Dramamine wore off right about here.
  A roller coaster ride for sure!

After crossing the California state line, we saw the effects of the drought.  

You can see in this picture the area that has been irrigated--the contrast of the green again the brown.
We arrived in Madera about 5:45.  We'd been on the road for over twelve hours.  Yep, we're tired, but it was a good day.  Tomorrow, on to Arcata, CA.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Visit with Tim and Family April 27-29

We arrived in Tucson in time to pick up the kids from school.  We were very excited to see them, and they seemed very excited to see us as well!  The next couple of days were spent with some quality Grandmama and Granddaddy time.  They still had to go to school, of course, but Paul was their "bus" while we were there.  In return, they helped him wash the 2200 miles worth of road dirt off the truck.


 Having lots of fun!

We spent lots of time just visiting out by the pool, watching the sun go go. Beautiful Arizona sunset!

Tim and Maryann took us out to eat at the Ritz Carlton for lunch for an early Mother's Day and Father's Day celebration.  What a beautiful place! If you've never been to the desert, I highly recommend you give it a try.  God's creation is so amazing every where you turn.  Even though the scenery and the food was wonderful, the company was what made this day so special.  Thanks again, Tim and Maryann!  We love you.

"Putting on the Ritz"

Then it was time for the adults to spend a little quality time together and watch the stars come out. 
Beautiful place, beautiful visit, beautiful family!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day Five--From Santa Rosa, NM, to Tucson, Az

We got an early morning start today--the first day we've actually left while it was still dark outside.  Eight hours driving time today, but allowing for stops it was more like nine hours on the road.  Watching the sun come up on the backside of nowhere in New Mexico was so beautiful.  We took the "back roads" over to Interstate 10.  The roads were actually better than the interstate, much smoother and much less traffic (alright, maybe NO traffic is a better word).  We did run across a couple of trucks hauling trees to be planted.

Beautiful sunrise, although it's cloudy.

The rest area we finally came to had this sign posted.
  Oh, well, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

Driving alongside the Rio Grande between two mountain ranges, one on each side of us.

                                 Isn't he a handsome driver!!
A striking contrast between
man-made and God-made.

 The last picture of the day.  A beautiful sight!
Arrived in Tucson in time to pick up Ethan, Natalie, and Kate from school!  Love these kids!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day Four: From Van Buren, AR, to Santa Rosa, NM

Today has been an absolutely beautiful day.  Traffic hasn't been bad at all.  The roads were still very bumpy, though.  We had two "stopping" goals in mind for today--one in Groom, Texas--home of the famous cross, and the other in Amarillo--home of the famous Big Texan.  We love the cross at Groom and always allow time for this stop.  It is so reverent and peaceful here.  One thing was different this year, though.  Someone has planted windmills all around the cross.  It reminds me of the story of the wheat and the tares.  The windmills are pretty to me, but I wish they weren't so close to the cross.

The Big Texan is a world famous restaurant because they have a challenge that if anyone can eat a 72 oz. steak, a baked potato, salad, bread, and tea in under 60 minutes, they get it free.  The last time we were here we saw someone attempt it, but we finished our meal and left before we knew the results of this attempt.  Paul told me he read somewhere that a woman who is a professional food competitor ate THREE of these in under 60 minutes--a world record!  I can't even imagine!

Tomorrow--on to Tucson and Tim's house.

Day Three: From Dixon, TN, to Van Buren, AR.

Today was an uneventful day (thankfully) of riding.  There were so many semis on the road one would think there was an 18-wheeler convention someplace.  On a Saturday at that!  Here's one!  Yep, coming right at us!  Ha Ha  You guessed it.   It was a semi pulling two others piggy back.  Somewhere around Little Rock, though, most of them must have taken a different route because traffic suddenly got much better.  The roads, however, were a different matter.  I don't remember the roads being so rough on our other trips west!  It's really bad when it takes me four or five attempts to get my knitting needle into a stitch onto the other needle.  Oh, well.

I thought we've had a lot of rain, but the fields here look pitiful.  Yes, this is actually water standing in the fields.  Looks like a lake, huh?

I don't think they're going to have to use this equipment for awhile.

We're getting closer to the Ozarks here.  Beautiful and peaceful.

The Ozarks!

 Van Buren is a quaint little town.