Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day Three: From Dixon, TN, to Van Buren, AR.

Today was an uneventful day (thankfully) of riding.  There were so many semis on the road one would think there was an 18-wheeler convention someplace.  On a Saturday at that!  Here's one!  Yep, coming right at us!  Ha Ha  You guessed it.   It was a semi pulling two others piggy back.  Somewhere around Little Rock, though, most of them must have taken a different route because traffic suddenly got much better.  The roads, however, were a different matter.  I don't remember the roads being so rough on our other trips west!  It's really bad when it takes me four or five attempts to get my knitting needle into a stitch onto the other needle.  Oh, well.

I thought we've had a lot of rain, but the fields here look pitiful.  Yes, this is actually water standing in the fields.  Looks like a lake, huh?

I don't think they're going to have to use this equipment for awhile.

We're getting closer to the Ozarks here.  Beautiful and peaceful.

The Ozarks!

 Van Buren is a quaint little town.

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