Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day One--Bear Grass to Asheville

Our trip begins!  

A beautiful sunrise before we even leave home!

Arrived in Asheville--
What a beautiful and wonderful first day of our trip!  My heart is so full of thankfulness for the love and closeness of family.  Although I haven’t seen Robin and her family in quite a while, the bond of love between us has not grown dim.  So many fond memories of her mom surged to the foreground as we looked at Robin’s wedding gown and baby quilt I had made for her. 

It was such a blessing to be able to share one-on-one about how Jesus has worked in each of our families in miraculous ways and His faithfulness to provide all our needs.   

Robin and Mike’s home, garden, pasture, barn, and horses are all so beautiful.   We enjoyed meeting Ginny and Michael all grown up.  Ginny is beautiful and sweet--a real treasure.  Michael is SO talented on the piano.  He gave us our own private concert.  We are so proud to call him our nephew!  It was a blessing to hear the rewards of such God-given ability and also hard work on Michael’s part.  I’m so thankful he’s using his talents to bless others and glorify our heavenly Father.  We missed seeing Tara since she’s away at school, but we enjoyed seeing her beautiful quilts and other sewing projects she’s created.  She needs to come visit Aunt Jackie.  We’d get along very well, sitting on the porch, knitting and quilting. 

The rest of the drive up to the Folk Art Center and to Asheville was as beautiful as ever.  Wisterias, dogwoods, and azaleas were in full bloom on the mountains.  There were so many different shades of green covering those hills.  People flock to the mountains in the fall to see all the different colors, but I think all the colors of spring are spectacular as well.  You just have to look closer to see them.  And the cross at Ridgecrest!  A wonderful sight to add to the blessings of the day!

We love you, Robin, Mike, Ginny, Tara, and Michael!  Thanks for the delicious lunch.

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