Monday, April 27, 2015

Day Five--From Santa Rosa, NM, to Tucson, Az

We got an early morning start today--the first day we've actually left while it was still dark outside.  Eight hours driving time today, but allowing for stops it was more like nine hours on the road.  Watching the sun come up on the backside of nowhere in New Mexico was so beautiful.  We took the "back roads" over to Interstate 10.  The roads were actually better than the interstate, much smoother and much less traffic (alright, maybe NO traffic is a better word).  We did run across a couple of trucks hauling trees to be planted.

Beautiful sunrise, although it's cloudy.

The rest area we finally came to had this sign posted.
  Oh, well, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

Driving alongside the Rio Grande between two mountain ranges, one on each side of us.

                                 Isn't he a handsome driver!!
A striking contrast between
man-made and God-made.

 The last picture of the day.  A beautiful sight!
Arrived in Tucson in time to pick up Ethan, Natalie, and Kate from school!  Love these kids!

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