Thursday, October 10, 2019

New England/Canada Trip-Oct. 10, 2019

Drive to Cumbermere, Ontario

We left the KOA early to drive to Cumbermere, Ontario, where some friends of our have some remote property they use for camping.  When they found out we were going to be in the area, they offered to let us boondock on their land.

We weren't expecting this little ferry on our route, but it had no trouble getting Little House and us across.

This is a "cigar" tree like the one that used to be in our yard when I was a little girl.

We've arrived at our friends property.  It's a large camping facility, not a "campground" so to speak.  It's a place for their family to get together with individual cabins for family members and a large main cabin for mom and dad and for all of them to fellowship. It is absolutely beautiful here!  

 I had to make a stop at Quilters Curve, a small, but very nice quilt/fabric shop along the way.

Such a beautiful boondocking spot.  We'd love to stay here for at least a week!  Thanks Jon and Bonnie!

How's this for a view!
Night all!

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