Thursday, October 3, 2019

New England/Canada Trip-Oct. 3, 2019

Hiking Las Graves Trail to Cap-Gaspe Lighthouse

Today we drove to the trail head for the Cap-Gaspe Lighthouse.  Along the way we stoped and toured the Grande-Grave Heritage Site. 

You can tell from this flag that the wind was really blowing hard, and it was very cold! 

The beginning of the five-mile hike (round trip) to Cap-Gaspe Lighthouse.  A little ways up the trail we saw the "Be aware that bears use this trail too" sign.  And, of course, where are our big cans of bear spray?  In the RV!  Nope, didn't have it.  So, I sang, "Ok bears, I'm coming!"  Paul turned around several times and looked at me like, "Really!"  I wanted to make sure the bears knew I was around, too, and for them to go the other way.  One grizzly encounter in Alaska was one too many for me!

Thankfully, we didn't see any bears, but we saw plenty of signs of them.  For instance, these berries, after the bears had digested them.  Yep, I mean bear poop.

Uphill all the way!

Sea otters playing in the water far below us.  Our camera has a good zoom feature. 

After the hike, drove to Cap-des-Rosiers Lighthouse.

Back "home" again after a long but very adventurous day!

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