Wednesday, October 9, 2019

New England/Canada Trip-Oct. 9, 2019

Riding the Metro and visiting Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal.

It was a beautiful day as we headed out for downtown Montreal. 

There always seems to be highway construction wherever we go!  They were working on the metro lines so driving into Montreal was hectic, to say the least, with all the traffic lanes reconfigured.  But Paul did a good job as always.

We paid to park the RV at the Angrignon Metro Station and took the metro to downtown.  We took the Green Line to the Orange Line and then to Place-D-Arms which was the stop for the Basilica. This alone was an adventure because all the signs were in French (with no translations into English) and NO ONE spoke English.  But it looks like we made out ok.  At least we're smiling! 

The Basilica is so beautiful!

So many beautiful stained glass windows!

We walked around several blocks and ate lunch at Presse Cafe.  It was so good!

Then we we rode the Metro back to Little House and drove back through the nightmare traffic to our park, KOA West.

When we got back and parked in our site, Paul had it all set up and leveled, but when he plugged in the electric it wouldn't work.  So, he had to walk to the office and tell them.  They didn't fix it, though, they asked him to move to another site.  This is our second site here at this KOA, but it is nice, too.  I just felt sorry for Paul having to unhook everything and redo it.  But he never seems to mind.  He is always so patient.

A lovely ending to a lovely day. 

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