Wednesday, June 10, 2009

D Day!

D as in "departure". Paul and I both have to work in the morning, but hopefully we will be pulling out no later than 2:00. First stop: Asheville, NC. I'm always excited about being in the mountains of North Carolina! "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills... from whence cometh my help." The mountains always bring me peace, and I certainly need some peace after the hectic end-of-school meetings and chores to be done. I will miss my students, but I need the time away.

Paul needs some time off and away, too. He has worked so hard lately. (Or should I say all the time?)

We are so excited about seeing Tim and his family. The babies have grown so much. We've seen them on Skype, but it isn't the same as getting them in our arms! And Ethan is so tall! He will be in kindergarten next year! Tim and Maryann have been married 10 years today! The Lord has blessed them so much!

Charity and Carter are excited, too! His first real "road trip", and he gets to take it with Grandmama and Granddaddy! Oh, his mama, too! We're going to have a great time together!

We still have some packing to do, but it's mostly done.

I'll post again in a few days and add pictures.

Love to you all.


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