Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Grand Canyon is indeed "grand"!

There is one phrase that I think will describe how I feel about the Grand Canyon: reverent awe! When I first looked at it, I thought it looked like pictures I had seen, and, of course, it was. Everything was so still. Nothing seemed to move. I could look for miles and miles and total stillness. The more I looked at it, the more still I became, inside and outside. We walked around the lookouts here at the village first where we are spending the night. There were lots of people here milling about and a little shop that sold ice cream, so it seemed much commercialized. After we got checked in at the El Tovar, we caught the shuttle bus that would take us around a portion of the south rim. It would let us off at each lookout point, and we could walk around the lookout as much as we wanted to and catch another bus when we were ready to move on to the next lookout. We stopped at Trailview Overlook, Maricopa Point, Powell Point, Hopi Point, Mohave Point, The Abyss, Monument Creek Vista, Pima Point, and Hermit’s Rest. We got to the last stop just at sunset. The view at sunset was magnificent! Paul says it is so hard to describe and he is absolutely right. Everywhere we looked we would say, “Look at that!”
If I were a poet I might try to describe it in verse. Maybe one day I’ll try to do just that.

There were many people of many nationalities here today. We met one couple from Germany that was on the same “stop” schedule that we were. We exchanged cameras with them so we could get pictures with both of us, and we did the same for them. They were so nice! They were leaving tomorrow for Los Angeles for a square dancing convention! Yep! You read that right! There were people at every lookout, and I noticed something at each place. Everyone was very quiet. Some even talked in whispers. The Grand Canyon had the same effect on everyone: a sense of awe and wonder and a reverent silence that should not be disturbed. We would just sit or stand and look out over the massive beauty and listen to the silence. What an absolute feeling of the presence of God all over this place! How anyone could not believe in God and His love for us after seeing this, I’ll never understand! I’m so thankful He created this beautiful place for us to enjoy.

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