Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunny Arizona!

After two days riding across Texas and one day across New Mexico, we finally arrived at Timmy's house in Tucson, Arizona, Monday afternoon about 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. (8:00 Eastern time) We were all "bone" weary, mostly tailbone weary! I have to admit, though, that we saw some interesting scenery and met some very friendly people. Texas is as big as they say it is! We saw some longhorns, lots of oil derricks, and LOTS of windmills. Texas had some very friendly folks too! Two very nice policemen stopped us to say hi and to give us a souvenir. How nice was that!

New Mexico was beautiful as well. You could tell they took pride in their state by how nicely they had landscaped their towns and painted their oil drums. No friendly policemen in New Mexico, thank goodness!

Arizona is as beautiful as I remember it from last October, a little hotter, however. Thankfully, there's a nice breeze blowing most of the time and NO humidity. The saguaro cacti are blooming! I'm just amazed at how God planned things. Even out here in the desert there is so much beauty among the thorns! Most of the different varieties of cacti are in bloom, but you'd better not try to pick any of their flowers! God is so good!

It was so exciting to see Timmy, Maryann, Ethan, Natalie, and Kate since we have not seen them in person since last October. We've seen them on Skype, but it just isn't the same as being able to hug them! The girls have changed the most, of course. They are so cute and precious. Ethan is such a good big brother to them. It is so good just to be here and be a part of their family "goings-on" in person. We went to the pool today, and it was so relaxing. We had the pool all to ourselves. Maryann said it was because they knew the "rowdy kin" were coming. Yea, I admit, I can be rowdy at times! Especially when it's 12:00 at night, and I have just ridden 12 hours in the van! Ask Charity and Paul how silly I can get! No, on second thought, don't ask them. They might tell you the truth!

Well, it's been a busy day. It's only 9:25 here, but my body is still on Eastern time. Tomorrow is already here by my time and new adventures and more hugs from little people await, so I'd better get some sleep. Be sure to stay tuned for the next saga in "The Life and Times of the Mobley Travelers".

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