Monday, June 29, 2009

Day Two of "The Long Drive"!

Twelve hours of riding today and 653 miles!--on through Texas to Tulsa, OK! It was a much more relaxing day, though. We had a good night’s rest and got up ready to go again! I had decided this morning not to think about how many miles we had to drive or how many hours it would take. I decided to think about it one “stop” at a time. With all the water (and some Diet Dr. Pepper, too) I drink, I have to “go” quite often. We usually stop about every hour and a half just to get out of the van and walk around a bit. Well, Paul walks around a bit. I walk to and from the bathroom. (lol) The drive was beautiful, and the weather was gorgeous. We did have about 10 traffic construction sights, however. We moved through them rather quickly considering the reduction in the speed limit. One highlight of the day came when we hit Amarillo just about 1:00. In case you don’t know, Amarillo is home of the famous restaurant “The Big Texan” and the “72 oz. steak. You may have seen it on the Travel Channel. If you can eat their 72 oz. steak, they’ll give it to you free. We didn’t even think about it! We just ordered our usual. The restaurant was a pleasure to look at. I told Paul it looked like something out of an old western. As we were leaving, someone took the challenge to eat the “big steak”. We didn’t stick around to find out if he could do it, though. We had “miles to go before we sleep”.

Another highlight for me was when I saw a sign that said, "the tallest cross in the western hemisphere). I jerked myself up and began to look. It didn't take long to see it. You can't tell exactly how big it is unless you look a the building close to it. It was amazing!

We finally arrived in Tulsa with Paul being the one to say, “Are we there, yet?” I hadn’t even used up one of my three “Are we there, yet?” questions! Paul only allows me three of those a day! When Charity was on the trip with us we had a total of 6 times a day we could ask that! (lol) That’s the only one Paul has used the whole trip, so I think he’s doing very well! And, of course, he’s doing all the driving! Whenever I ask him if he wants me to drive, he always says, “I’m fine.” No, my driving isn’t that bad, he just likes to drive.

Tomorrow we will tour Oral Roberts University and go to Wal-Mart! (How could I put both of those in the same sentence? They certainly don’t compare!) Then on to Branson!

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