Saturday, June 13, 2009

Keeping on, Keeping on! June 12

That's what Paul did yesterday!
"Honey, please pull over!" said I.

"It'll be over in a minute, said Paul.

"Honey, I think it would be a good idea to stop!" said I.

"It'll be over in a minute," he replied."
"Honey, please! I want to stop!"

"We're just as safe here. If we pull over we could get hit by the tin on the buildings."

"Honey, I WANT TO STOP! Please take the next exit!"

"I'd rather take my chances on the road! We're just as safe here."

"We'll I'd rather take my chances somewhere else that to be hit by flying cars!"



More silence.

More silence.

The rain kept pelting the windshield. The wipers tried desperately to keep up. The wind was whipping us back and forth!

Silence. Paul just kept on and on!

A lady that lived in the area at the last place we stopped had warned us that we were going to hit some terrible weather. Tornadoes had been seen, etc. So, yes, we kept watching for funnel clouds. Paul just kept on and on!

We never did see any tornadoes, and I'm glad of that! There was silence a long time in the car, though, as least from my side of the van.

Our drive so far has been beautiful. The mountains at sunset were so beautiful. The clouds were hanging low in between the mountain ranges, and the sun looked like Bethlehem's star as it just struck the rim line. Our first night (Thursday) was spent in Asheville. Yesterday's drive (Friday) was extremely long, especially having to drive part of it through such bad weather. Carter did exceptionally well, though. He is such a happy baby! We are now in Texarkana, Texas. Today's drive (Saturday) will not be as long. The weather forecast calls for more severe weather this afternoon. We'll see what the day brings. Fort Worth, here we come!


  1. Hey, good to heard from the traveler's. Send picture's if you can.

  2. Ok, I'am a little slow I found the pictures. Somebody needs a little sun on them there legs.

  3. We enjoyed your pictures. Please keep sending. Carter looks like he is doing a good job sleeping. Looks like you all are getting plenty of rest Ha Ha. Hope you are having a wonderful time. Have fun. Give everybody a hug for us. Love, Rebecca, Jerry, Rachel and Janet Leigh

  4. Hey Yall
    Enjoyed all the pictures. From looking at the pictures I decided that:
    The happiest: Carter
    Best rider: Carter
    Most rested: Carter
    Which helps me to come to this conclusion. He has no jobs to accomplish, does not have to drive, and does not need to go to the rest stops.
    By the end of the day it seems to me that because of his good disposition all of you are getting a lot of rest at night. So get plenty of rest for the next day. Tell everyone we said hi. Love, Rachel, Rebecca, Janet, and Jerry

  5. We have really enjoyed your pictures. The sky show was wonderful. It was good to see pictures of you all with Tim and MaryAnn's family. The kids have grown so much. Jackie, you better put yourself in some of the pictures or we might think you stayed home. I know everyone is having a good time. We are all doing well here. Daddy and Mama are doing ok, said to send their love. Tell everyone hi and we love you all. Love, Rebecca and Jerry

  6. I am catching up on looking at the pictures. Have been busy. The pictures are great and it looks like you are still having a wonderful time. It was good to see you with all the grandkids. We have enjoyed looking at your adventure. You have all been in my prayers daily. We are all doing fine. Had a good time at Daddy and Mama's Sunday. We all got together for Father's Day. We missed you all but I know you were having a wonderful day with your "kids". Enjoy your trip and make lots of memories. Love, Rebecca and Jerry
    p.s. I hope Rachel can get back over here to look at more pictures.
