Thursday, August 2, 2018

Bryce Canyon, Utah, to Page, AZ (Post # 43)

August 1
As I said yesterday, we didn't get any pictures of our camping spot due to a storm coming up.  So I took one this morning as Paul was unhooking the RV.  You know how Paul is a Mr. Fix-It, right?  Well, the site the park assigned us was VERY unlevel.  Where the picnic table is sitting is where we're supposed to be, with the backend where the table is.  Sort of like the RV that's showing in the left of this picture.  Well, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the RV level.  So, he made his own site by backing sideways to the left of our site.  Then, people thought the area we were supposed to be on was a walk through, and they kept walking right in front of the RV through the site.  Well, I'm too much of a private person to put up with that!  I had Paul pull the picnic table over to block them from coming through.  Both ideas worked.  

 A beautiful sunrise this morning as we left Bryce Canyon.  Such a beautiful park!

 We sighted these turkeys on the way out.

 I included this picture because the bus driver yesterday told us how this name came to be.  I had wondered about it when we drove in.  She said that the early Mormon settlers realized that the weather in this part of Utah was very much like the southern states where cotton is grown.  They did, in fact, grow cotton here and therefore named it Dixie.  

Entering Kanab, Utah.

 Paul took a little detour down Johnson Canyon Road about three miles out of Kanab that the bus driver had told us about.  These two pictures (and Paul has some on the More Photos link) are of the old movie set from Gunsmoke.  They are now on private land so you can only see them from the road.  Sad looking, huh?

 This is Lone Rock. It is sitting out in the middle of the water all by itself.  Appropriate name.

Entering Arizona

Colorado River at Glen Canyon Dam 

 Our campground and our view on Lake Powell for the next three nights.  

Tomorrow we're going to tour Lower Antelope Canyon, again.  We did this the last time we were here, but it is so beautiful we wanted to do it again.  So be prepared for a lot of pictures!  

Side note: We have not had internet for many days now, so our posts and pictures are behind schedule. But we'll soon catch up. 

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