Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Grand Canyon's North Rim to Sedona to Camp Verde (Post # 47)

August 6-7
It was 40 degrees this morning when we got up!  I'm glad I didn't put my jeans away again! This little fellow was waiting for us as we drove out of De Motte Campground this morning.  

 We stopped for fuel at Jacob's Lake and also got some pastries for breakfast.  We left early this morning so we couldn't crank up the generator for coffee. (It was against campground rules to run it before 7:00 a.m.)  Thus, a stop at Jacob's Lake Cafe!  That was as good an excuse as any, right?

The haziness is because of all the smoke.  

These next pictures are of a place called Cliff Dwellers. 

 Can you imagine living in a place like this? Well, people did it. 

 Such beautiful country!

These next pictures are of our drive to and through Sedona.  There were lots of twists and turns, (called switch backs and snakes,) on this road and all of it downhill, at least until we got into Sedona.

 Sedona isn't call Red Rock Country for no reason.

 As I said earlier, it was 40 degrees this morning.  By the time we got to Zane Grey RV Park in Camp Verde, the temperature was 105!  That is one huge difference!
 I'm posting three pictures of our camp site because I really want you to see these magnificent Sycamore trees!  They are huge!  They provide some much needed shade for our site, too.

Yesterday afternoon and today has been a rest time for us.  We took a short walk this morning and we plan on taking another one in a little while, when it cools off a bit.  It only got to 107 today!!  Ouch!  Such a difference from just a few weeks ago when we were in Alaska and about 65 degrees.  Oh well.  Summer time at last.  Tomorrow we head to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Expect lots of pictures!  We probably won't have internet service so the blog may be delayed again. God is good!

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