Sunday, August 5, 2018

Page, AZ to Grand Canyon's North Rim ( Post # 45)

August 4

After we left our campground this morning, we stopped at the Carl Hayden Visitor's Center to get some good pictures of the Glen Canyon Dam and for Paul to get his National Parks' book stamped. It's not as big as Hoover Dam by any means, but it is in such a beautiful area.  

We went back into Page to do some grocery shopping and found some viewpoints that we hadn't noticed before.

Glen Canyon Dam and the Colorado River from a distance.

This viewpoint required a hike down.  And what goes down must come up, but it wasn't too bad.  I didn't know we had to hike to see it, or I'd have put my hiking boots on instead of flip flops!

We'd been back and forth between Utah and Arizona so much in the past few days that's it was hard to keep track of the time! Utah is two hours behind the East Coast and Arizona is three hours behind.  The Visitors' Center even had two clocks on the wall, one for Utah time and the other for Arizona time.  The state of Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time, but the Navajo Nation where Antelope Canyon is located, does, even though it is in Arizona.  It was a little bit tricky figuring out exactly what time we were supposed to be there for our tour the day before yesterday.  

And back through Kanab and Kaibab, but we don't mind.

The landscape on the drive to the North Rim looks a lot different than on the drive to the South Rim. The South Rim doesn't boast such beautiful meadows as this.  We'll be going to the South Rim in a few days from now.

We like staying in National Forest parks.  
De Motte has no hookups, so we are dry camping.  But we don't mind that.  We've learned how to do that very well from our trip through Canada and Alaska.
We especially like being in the woods!  There are deer a little beyond eyesight of this picture eating.
We'll relax the rest of the afternoon, and then we'll drive on to the North Rim and do some hiking.  It is much cooler here than in Page!  It was about 100 degrees when we left Page this morning, and it's about 76 or so here this afternoon.  I like it!  

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