Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New England/Canada Trip, Sept. 16-17, 2019

 Amish Country Pennsylvania

On day one of visiting Amish County we drove through the towns of Intercourse, New Holland, and Bird in Hand.   I know the Amish do not want their pictures taken, and I want to respect their privacy.  I try to be non-intrusive in my picture taking.  I admire them so much it's just hard not to capture such simplicity and beauty when I can.  


An Amish school just letting out.

Amish women off to work, shopping, or visiting.

At work in the fields.

I love to see the wash on the line. 
We did a little shopping and ate lunch at Good & Plenty.  We also drove the countryside a little and saw some Amish farmers hard at work.  We saw lots of clothes on the lines.  Everything is just so beautiful.  The Amish take such pride in their homes and farms. When we arrived back at our RV park it was time for us to sit outside and enjoy the canopy of trees and for me to do a little knitting.  Soon, I saw a lady coming from across the park towards me.  As she got closer she said with an accent, "I saw you knitting, and I just had to come over."  I found out during our visit that she was originally from Germany and had been knitting for many many years.  Knitters just always have something in common and are such kindred spirits.  We chatted and knitted and soon her husband came over and joined us.  Paul and he instantly hit it off.  He was also a cable technician with the phone company in New Jersey where the couple was from.  He had also been drafted into the military during the last draft for the Viet Nam war, just like Paul.  So, they had a lot to talk about, too.  It always amazes me how God can bring like-minded people together anywhere and anytime.  She was so interesting to talk to.  She also tried to convince me that I needed to start knitting socks. (She was an expert sock-knitter.)  I politely listened to all the advice she gave me about how to go about this task.  I do admire people who knit socks.  But I just don't think that's on my bucket list of things to do. LOL

Day two of our time in Amish Country started with the Sight and Sound Theatre.  We've been here before, and it's always a good performance.  But this year's play was exceptionally wonderful!  It was titled, "JESUS".  Absolutely brilliant!!!  We enjoyed it immensely!  We even saw some people there from Martin County! 

The remainder of the day was spent riding through the countryside.  We pulled over in a church parking lot in Paradise, PA, to heat up our lunch in the RV.  We also did a little more shopping since I had not quite bought enough fabric from Zook's the day before. Paul is such a good man.  He never says a word about how much fabric or yarn or knitting needles, etc, that I buy.  Well, almost never.  He did ask me once if I felt like I had to rescue every stray knitting needle that I found in thrift stores. Lol.  I told him, "No, only the ones that come in pairs." LOL!!!

Such a picturesque place.  That's one of the reasons we keep coming back time and time again.  And I'm sure this won't be our last. 

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