Sunday, September 15, 2019

New England/Canada Trip, Sept. 13-15, 2019

 Day One:  From home to Beacon Hill RV Resort in Pennsylvania.

Leaving home today for a fall New England and Eastern Canada road trip.  Not a lot happens when we're just on the road, but I always like to mark the route we take with state welcome signs.

Our first night out we stayed at Shenandoah River State Park in Bentonville, VA.  


Our second night we camped at Greenbrier State Park in Boonesboro, MD.

Our home for a few days in Amish Country:  Beacon Hill RV Resort, Intercourse, PA.

I just LOVE trees!  And this is such a beautiful canopy of lush, green Oak tree limbs hanging overhead.   And, of course, with Oak trees you get acorns!  Some of them sounded like gun shots hitting the top of Little House (my name for our motorhome). Lol  Amish Country is one of our favorite places. It's always so beautiful. The leaves haven't turned a lot, though, but that's ok.  There is always so much beauty here no matter what the season. 

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