Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New England/Canada Trip-Sept. 25, 2019

Charlottetown, PEI

Today we drove to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island and walked the town. 

We (I) shopped a little, and I had to stop at this cute little fiber shop.  All the yarn was hand-dyed and spun so the price was a little more than I wanted to pay.  It was beautiful yarn and worth the price, but I try to be a little more thrifty.  I did buy a cute pewter shawl pin shaped like a treble clef as a souvenir.

We also drove to Kensingston, PEI, because I wanted to go to a yarn shop and a quilt shop.  I'm collecting blue and white fabric along our route through New England and Canada for a quilt I want to make to remember our time on the road. I also bought some knitting needles and project bags for gifts.

All in all, a very beautiful day and very productive in the area of knitting and quilting purposes. 

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