Thursday, October 22, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Oct. 21-22

 October 21-22, 2020

Drive from Julian Price National Park to New River State Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The sun is rising over Price Lake as we prepare for another day on the road. The drive today isn't that long, but we'll make some stops along the way. 

There is a lot involved in getting Little House ready to go, but Paul always seems to take it in stride and never complains.  (This tire is heavy!)

One last look.

The Blue Ridge Parkway.

We visited Jefferson and West Jefferson.

It was hot when we first got to New River, but it soon cooled down.

An absolutely gorgeous night, cool enough for a fire and supper around the campfire. The moon is unbelievably beautiful as we prepare to head in for the night. 

There was a heavy fog this morning when we woke up, so we slept in a little.  Today is my sister Faye's birthday, so I called and wished her a happy birthday and talked to her awhile.

The spiders are very busy in the shrubbery and trees around Little House.

We spent a leisurely morning just hanging out at our site.  
After lunch we did a three-mile hike to the New River and back.  

Walking through the woods is so peaceful.  It's one of my favorite things to do. 

New River.

It was a beautiful trail through the woods to the river, and the weather was gorgeous!  We had supper around the campfire again tonight. We've been many places, but we love calling North Carolina home. Tomorrow, we'll be a little ways down the road to another campground on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 

Goodnight, everyone.  God bless.

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