Saturday, October 3, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Oct. 3

October 3, 2020

Driving from Lyman Lake State Park, St. Johns, Arizona to Tucson, AZ.

We got up early to make the drive to our son's hopefully by lunchtime or a little later.  By the time we got Little House unhooked and everything battened down for the drive, the sun was coming up over the hills behind Lyman Lake.

One last look at Lyman Lake.

On the road again.

And another long, long road ahead.

This was a cool truck we got behind for awhile and then were finally able to pass.

After passing through the Apache Reservation, we were finally able to get a cell signal.

There weren't many places on this winding road that would allow for passing other vehicles, so we played tag with this camper many times.  We'd get around them and then we'd stop for a quick break, and they'd get ahead of us again. We'd catch up to them and then have to follow a long way before we could pass again.  Paul pulled off one time and let them get a ways ahead so we wouldn't have to follow them.   But we'd always catch up to them again.  They were either loaded heavily and couldn't make the climbs very well, or they were being very cautious.  Maybe a little of both.  This road through these mountains was very curvy with many switch backs and deep drop offs, mostly on my side it seemed.

Our first saguaro cacti sighting.  We're getting close to the desert.

And, as always, more road construction.  There were many signs miles away from this spot telling you to turn around if your rig was over a certain width.  On the other side of the cement guard rail was a deep drop off.
Santa Catalina Mountains ahead. 

Quite a huge difference just a few days ago in Bryce Canyon when it was 19 degrees.

The mountains behind Tim's house.
Almost there.

This is the barn they recently built.  They have two rescue horses of their own and are boarding three horses for another owner.  Ethan, Kate, and Natalie are learning to care for them. 
Front gate.  Now what was the code to get in?  No worries, they saw us coming and opened it right up.
Time for family.  I'm the shortest one in the bunch now.

The dogs aren't the only ones blessed!  We are blessed beyond measure.

A beautiful sunset behind the mountains.

We'll be here for about ten days, and then we'll be back on the road again.  For now, it's time for family.  I may do one more conglomeration of photos of our stay here in Tucson.  If not, though, I'll be posting again after the 14th of October.  Be blessed, everyone.  Love y'all.


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