Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Oct. 4-13

October 4-13, 2020  

At Tim and Maryann's in Tucson, Arizona.

It's time for food and fellowship.  It's been almost a year since we were here last.  It seems like such a long time, and the kids have grown so much!  We've missed them all so terribly!

I love to see the guys in the kitchen. 

Kate loves to bake, and we are about to enjoy the fruits of her labor!

We always knew Tim was just a big 'ole softie.  LOL  We had to be introduced to the new bunny in the family, Winnie.

Sunrise--time for a new day and a new week to begin.  The sun hasn't quite made it up yet.

Monday morning, bright and early, Paul took Little House in to Mercedes Benz to have the tires rotated and the front end aligned--routine maintenance--except it went a little beyond the routine by the addition of stabilizer bolts to keep the front end in better alignment.  We've ridden her hard, so she needed a little extra TLC (tender loving care).  Then, on Tuesday morning, this took place.  The day we left Monument Valley and drove to Lyman Lake a truck threw a big rock into our windshield on Paul's side.  We heard it hit hard, but it was up high on the windshield, and we couldn't really see how bad it was.  On the next day's drive, I pointed the camera in that direction to take a picture and saw it through the camera lenses. The windshield was cracking in the shape of a V, radiating out from where the rock hit it. Yep, one more thing to add to our repair list.

Early mornings here are mostly centered around the barn, with two horses of their own and three that they are boarding for another owner.  The horses have to be fed and watered, their stalls mucked out and cleaned, and walked to the arena for some exercise. They also have to be fed at lunch, and then the morning routine is repeated around 5:00.

 "Sugar", Ethan, and Paul pictured below. Ethan is the "business manager".  

     Ali loves attention and loves to lick you!  


Natalie doing some of her chores.  I don't need to tell 
you which one.

Every night the sun sets behind this saguaro cactus right out the west end of the barn.

We got to go to one of Ethan's cross-country races in Rio Rico in Santa Cruz County, AZ, which is only a short distance (about a 15 min. drive) from the border of Mexico.  Beautiful countryside! 

Ethan is pouring it on!  His team stayed right together the whole race and came in first place!  Ethan placed 8th in the race! We're so proud of him.

Look at those legs moving through the course!

And, of course, since we were so close to Mexico, we had to go through the Border Inspection on the way back.

The next day was time for more chores in the workshop.  Tim and Paul working together putting together a very nice wood-working saw.

The front courtyard is so beautiful with all the flowers and trees blooming.  The Lantana are just gorgeous! 

Morning chores start early. And I do mean EARLY--before the sun is even up!  Kate and Maryann usually take the morning shift, but Paul was glad he was here to lend a hand. 

Boomer (the dog) saying hello to Solomon.

At noon one day, we saw this coyote.  He didn't seem afraid of us at all.  He was drinking water that had pooled up around the fountain near the bee hives.

And another beautiful sunset!

Another morning before daybreak.
Kate and Granddad were best buds the whole time we were here, especially at 5:00 a.m. 
Many hands make light work.  This particular morning it was Paul, Maryann, and Kate working together.  They got it all done in record time.  What was my job?  Taking pictures, of course!  It's a hard job, but somebody has to do it! LOL
They finished in plenty of time for us to climb up to the top of the casita and watch the sun come up.  It was a little chilly this morning, but the weather app says it will climb to 100 degrees. 

This is our view as we sit outside and enjoy the night breezes and sounds. 
And as they say in the movies, "as the sun slowly sets in the west".

We're celebrating Maryann's birthday (the 19th) before we leave. 
Kate helped me make a "Chocolate Delight" for her.

It's now morning and we got up extra early to finish packing up Little House and to say good bye to Ethan before he heads out at 4:45 a.m. 

Awww.  Love this handsome grandson!  
He's off to cross-country practice, and we're off to the barn for final chores.

This time Little House came down, too, to get filled up with water before we pull out heading east. 
The main "poop scoopers"!  They deserve a round of applause!

Sugar saying "good morning", or "hurry up with my food"!

Kate has worked hard, and there's a little time for swinging.  Maryann caught me on camera on the swing, too, but I spared you that sight. lol

Now it's back to the house for our traditional pictures before we leave.
Yes, I'm shortie, but I don't mind.  Natalie is beside me and Kate is beside Paul. Such beautiful and amazing grand girls!  Love them so much!

The guys.  Paul is not short, but Tim and Ethan are very tall! They're taking after Granddaddy Dallas.

 What a blessing Maryann and Tim are to us.  We love you guys.

This is always the hardest part--having to leave. We are so blessed to be able to travel and stay with our family in this part of the country.  

One last look back at the house from the drive.
And we're on the road again. 

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