Tuesday, July 17, 2018

From Glennallen Hwy to Tok to Teslin, Yukon (Post # 30)

July 14-16
We left our roadside site on the Glennallen Highway and headed for Tok, Alaska.  The roads are long and dangerous, but Paul does an excellent job driving on the Alcan. 

                                                        Our first wildlife sighting today.  Two moose.  

Second wildlife sighting:  black bear.

There are a lot of these telephone poles with old open wire insulators on them. This pole is still upright, but there were a lot of them that were falling down, obviously not being used any more.  We were hoping to find one close enough to the ground to get one or two but the ones like that were in marshy land.

The nickname for Yukon is "Larger than Life".  That is a good description.

Great reflection!

Our second boon docking spot near Cracker Creek.  What a name!  No comment from you, Jacob!

Getting ready for another day.
We actually got a chance to wash "Little House" in Tok; it was in dire need!  But it only takes a few miles down the road before the windshield needs it again.

We're at Yukon Lakeshore RV Park tonight.  Tomorrow we are veering off our planned route and going to uncharted lands--at least for us.  We're taking the Cassiar Highway instead of the Alcan.  We've heard that this route is more rugged but well worth the risk in beauty.  We will actually be going into Alaska again in Hyder.  We aren't sure where we'll be for the next few days and nights, so if you don't hear from us don't be alarmed. We do the blog mainly so we can look back on it and remember where we've been, but we do it for y'all, too, so we hope you are enjoying the blog.  Love you all.

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