Friday, July 27, 2018

From Hyder, AK, to Smithers, BC (Post # 33)

Our night's stay in Hyder was very peaceful and restful.  The building in front of us across the street is about the only restaurant in Hyder.  There was a lot of coming and going (if there is such a thing for Hyder) for a few hours and then all was quiet again.  The second picture shows the shop that the lady runs that took such a liking to us.  I knitted her a dishcloth last night and took it over to her before we left to show her our appreciation for letting us stay.  There was a mountain and an old building that was unoccupied beside us on the other side and lots of trees behind us. 

This little store is where we bought a few groceries.  We had been in it and had passed it on the street several times before we noticed those grocery carts on top of it.  A neat way to advertise, don't you think?  This store was actually in Stewart, BC, though.  We stopped here after the RV had been searched at the border!  I still can't believe we had been through that little rinky-dink border crossing several times and they decided to search us today!  But it was all good.  No worries.
 Another look at the scenery around Stewart and Hyder on the drive out.

The next three pictures are where we stopped for lunch in a rest area.

Back on the road after a nice lunch break.

The landscape begins to change.     

We were planning on bookdocking somewhere along the road by the time we got to Smithers, but there was no good place to pull off.  Plus, we saw many billboards along the roadway showing several girls who had been abducted along this particular route we were taking. So, we decided that this municipal park looked good.  They even had a gate they locked at night.  Since we were planning to boondock anyway, we didn't pay for hookups.  We just dry camped here.  There was a river over to the right of us, but it was not close enough to hear the water running. Plus, it was raining so it didn't matter.  The rain on the roof of the RV sounds wonderful! We had a quiet, peaceful, and SAFE night's stay. 

So, just an FYI on why I am so behind on my blogs--mostly lack of or SLOW internet connections.  The internet here has dropped off completely since I've been trying to upload these pictures and write this blog.  We try not to use the hotspot too much because of using so much data. I will try to catch up the other blogs today too, but if the internet doesn't cooperate, I'll try again tomorrow.  Love y'all.

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