Monday, July 30, 2018

Twisp to Goldendale, WA (Post # 37)

July 26-27

I had to take one more photo of this sign for Riverbend before we left. I think it's the prettiest one we've seen so far.  It's carved into the wood and then painted, so it's three dimensional.  And the picture below it is of their mailbox.  It's almost a work of art in itself--so appropriate for this area.  

   How would you like to live in this little house way up there tucked in between those mountains?

 The landscape is ever changing.  Some of these pictures may look out of order, but they aren't.  This part of the country is so dry.  In the picture below you can see the sharp contrast between the dry mountain side and the watered orchards below it.


                                                 More orchards covered with cloth.

We think this is Mt. Rainier showing itself off in the distance.  The road we traveled a few years ago took us quite a bit closer to it than we are now.

 We know why the park is called Peach Beach.  There are peach orchards on one side of it and the Columbia River on the other side of it.  Looking at the picture above, you wouldn't think there would be anything this green anywhere close, but it is.

                                                     Our view from our site here at Peach Beach.

The next day we walked down the road through the orchard to their fruit stand and bought some more peaches.  Paul also found a jar of homemade huckleberry pie filling.

This old church was down the road a little further on our walk.  It doesn't look too bad to be 130 years old.

The original window above the front door.

This old store was right across the road from the church.

I'm knitting, enjoying the quiet, and watching a barge go by on the Columbia River.  To the left of us is an open area where people walk down the little hill to the "beach", a small area where there is access to the water. People were coming and going through this little area quite a bit, so it wasn't always quiet.  People also went sail surfing on the Columbia when the wind was blowing. We couldn't stay outside all afternoon, though, because it got up to 102 degrees!  Yep!  

A beautiful place and a  restful time, even though it was very hot!

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