Sunday, July 29, 2018

McLure, BC, Canada to Twisp, Washington, USA (Post # 36)

July 24-25
Last night was our last night in Canada.  Today we said goodbye to Canada as you would a good friend and set our sights a little more toward home--in a roundabout way at least.  We've enjoyed Canada almost as much as we did Alaska, but not quite.  Alaska continues to be one-of-a-kind.

Look at these next three reflection pictures!

 Reflections in water continually capture my attention.  I'm so amazed at these types of photos for two reasons:  first, how amazingly beautiful the reflections are themselves, and second, that I can even capture them on camera going down the highway at such speed! These pictures don't do them justice!

 The haze you see in this photo is smoke.  There's a fire on the other side of the river.

 We passed so many orchards and fruit stands on our way to the border crossing: apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, etc.  We wanted to stop and buy some wonderful local fruit, but we weren't sure what they'd allow us to bring across the border into the USA, so we didn't.  We thought surely there would be some on the other side in Washington state, right? We were disappointed. 

All RVs are inspected coming into the US for certain types of food, mostly citrus, and ours was no exception.  But since we had none, we had no problems at the border crossing.

Long may she wave!  

 The "Evergreen State" was very brown and dry.  They have to do a lot of irrigating. 
Finally, about 50 miles down the road, we found orchards and fruit stands!  
Oh. My.  Goodness!  
Rainier cherries are SO good, especially fresh off the trees!  And SO many apple orchards!  And peaches!  Yep, we bought some!  And some honey!

 Many of the orchards had coverings like the one in the picture above.  We thought it was to protect them from birds, or maybe too much sun, or maybe both.  Not sure.

We were trying to make it to a station to get fuel before we got to our park for the night when this policeman flagged us down and made us stop. We thought we had seen smoke up ahead, and sure enough--a fire prevented us from going any further down this road.

We had to turn around and go another way that cost us more miles and more fuel to get to our park.  We were able to see where the fire was, though, headed up a mountain to a house.  Thankfully, they put it out without it causing too much damage.

                                                    The Methow River close to our park. 
Oh, we did make it to the station for fuel in time, even with the detour.  Paul doesn't usually let it get that low.  He scouts out the stations that have diesel in advance so he knows how many miles he can go before fueling up again.

 Beautiful sunset!

 Our spot for the next two nights facing the Methow River.  
The park isn't overly crowded, so it should be peaceful here.  Can you tell yet that I'm all about some peace and quiet?  If not,  I'll tell you now.  I'm all about some peace and quiet! (grin)  It's time to do some laundry and some cleaning, too. But we even enjoy doing those things.  God is good!

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