Monday, July 30, 2018

Glenns's Ferry, ID, to Salt Lake City, Utah (Post # 39)

July 29
Our afternoon and overnight stay at Three Island State Park was very nice.  Although it looks like it's crowded, it isn't.  The spaces are far apart and the "yard" for each site is very large so it doesn't feel crowded at all.  We enjoy being outside when the weather is nice and the bugs aren't out.

 This is what I meant on yesterday's blog about it looking like a plantation yard.  In some parks we've been in the trees were few and far between--or either so small they offered no shade at all.  You all know how I feel about trees!

 You can see what's left of the Oregon Trail in the above photo.  It's that white line going through the middle of the mountain at about a 45 degree angle.

Welcome to Utah!

                 We loved the decal on the back of this RV.
                               I totally agree with their concept!

 Yes, He is!

We have been before to Salt Lake City many years ago.  Now y'all know I'm not a fan of cities.  And I'm not Mormon.  BUT!  Temple Square is absolutely beautiful!  And I wanted to go again mainly to see all the beautiful flowers in bloom. So, after we checked in at our park a few miles outside of town, we went downtown.  Since it was Sunday, there wasn't as big a crowd, thankfully.  We even found an easy parking place for the RV.  We stopped at a restaurant first and had a late lunch.  Then, on to Temple Square.

 The Tabernacle where their famous choir practices and performs.  We sat in on a rehearsal the last time we were here.  Amazing sound coming from that pipe organ and, or course, the choir.

 The Temple.  

My best friend!

 All settled in for the night.  It's a very nice park, but I still prefer the provincial parks of Canada and the road side spots we found along the Alcan and the Alaska Highway!  Tomorrow we're heading for Bryce's Canyon where we intend to take a tour bus through the canyon and do some hiking as well.

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